Make your Pinterest management clients feel taken care of using
The Ultimate Pinterest Manager Checklist!

Have you ever woken up in the middle of the night and thought, “am I even cut out to do this whole Pinterest management thing?”

Or have you ever looked at your client’s analytics and thought, “am I even a GOOD Pinterest manager?”.

If you’ve asked yourself that question (or any variation of that) you’re not alone.

I get asked this question on every Mentoring call I have with new and experienced Pinterest Managers. Even my students from The Pinterest Gameplan™️ (my Pinterest marketing skills course for Pinterest managers) ask me this question as they book more clients.

It’s a common question among Pinterest Managers.

You may think it’s a question only new Pinterest managers ask themselves or those not getting the results they had hoped for but even Pinterest managers with booked out calendars, getting their clients results they aimed for, ask themselves this question.

So clearly, it goes beyond just the results you get at any given time.
What I’ve found is that this question is triggered by a variety of things.


Here are the most common triggers for this question

1. Mindset

As a business owner you’re going to experience a lot of mindset growth throughout your journey. Whenever you push yourself to grow you’ll find beliefs you had that hold you back from taking action. Sometimes those mindset blocks appear because of fear and sometimes they appear because of something we’ve been taught. It’s always easier to go back to the way things were – The Comfortable Place. That place where you feel secure and confident. As you grow your business you’ll be faced with many moments when you want to run back to that comfortable place. If you’re reaching one of these new boundaries in your mind it could trigger the question.

2. Passion

When you’re passionate about something, you feel more invested in the outcomes. As a Pinterest manager it’s safe to say you’re either passionate about Pinterest or you’re passionate about helping others grow their business. When you’re driven by your passion it can make you second guess everything because you want it to be PERFECT. This trigger could be the desire for perfectionism and your realisation that you can’t make everything Pinterest Perfect.

3. Comfort Zone

Whether you’re new to Pinterest management or a seasoned Pinterest manager, you’re likely being pushed outside of your comfort zone every few months. Pinterest loves adding in new updates that we then need to learn how to use and leverage for our clients. When you’re pushed outside of your comfort zone you begin to feel slightly more insecure about what you do and that causes this question to pop its ugly head.

4. Fluctuations

When your client’s analytics fluctuate (as they do daily) it can cause you to question whether or not you have the skills needed to be a good Pinterest manager. If you take your client’s daily results personally this question will pop up often. That’s why I teach long term marketing strategies with monthly pivots when necessary. Moving away from checking analytics daily will help you make better long term (read: strategic) decisions for your client’s account.

5. Comparison

Add to that the fact that on the day your client’s analytics fluctuate, you happen to see another Pinterest manager or lifestyle blogger or internet person share that they hit the jackpot with 10k link clicks on one pin and less than 7 days. “HOW? What are they doing that I’m not doing? They must know something I don’t. I must be terrible at what I’m doing if I can’t even get my client more than a few clicks a day”. Cue every other possible negative thought about your skills. Comparison is the most common trigger I see in my students but ONLY when their mindset is being challenged by growth and they want to run and hide. When someone else shares their success, celebrate with them. Don’t compare. Realize that every pin, every client, every audience and every Pinterest success story is different. You don’t know everything behind the scenes and you can’t compare apples with broccoli.

6. Fear of failure

None of us want to fail. Sometimes the fear of failure starts to mess with our minds and we begin questioning whether or not we’re actually cut out for this job. See how mindset continues to play a huge role in your business? Sometimes I hear new Pinterest managers (that don’t have clients yet) tell me they’re afraid to fail and mess up someone’s account. This fear of failure appears BEFORE they’ve even started or tried. If you’re learning, whether it’s through my course  The Pinterest Gameplan™️  or through testing, you’re doing everything you can to ensure you succeed. Don’t let that fear of failure trigger a spiral that ends with you quitting before you’ve even started.

7. Expectations

Whether it’s the expectations you have of yourself or the expectations your client has, when you don’t achieve those expectations the question will appear. When your expectations are set on specific results you’ll find this question pops up even more frequently because you can’t guarantee the results you’ll end up getting for your client. I find that this trigger is common when expectations weren’t set at the beginning of the contract period. Make sure you set expectations so that you don’t go down this negative thought spiral.

If these triggers are showing up because you’re not sure that you’re doing everything you need to do for your client’s account, I’ve created The Ultimate Pinterest Manager Checklist to help prevent this negative spiral from happening.
It’ll help you ensure that you haven’t forgotten anything and that you’re delivering a great client experience. I know when I first started that I wished I had this checklist so that I could feel confident that I hadn’t forgotten anything – especially when I started managing 10+ accounts.
Pop your details in here if you’d like me to send it to you!

How do I know if I'm a good Pinterest manager?

1. You’re willing to learn

Whether you’re new to Pinterest Management or you’re a seasoned Pinterest manager, the learning never stops. The learning comes in many different forms from testing different designs on your clients account to investing in templates, resourcescourses or mentoring to up-level your skills and knowledge around Pinterest and your business. If you’re willing to learn the nitty gritty details, your clients are in great hands.

2. You’re willing to figure out what works well for clients accounts

Every Pinterest account is different and every audience you’re targeting is slightly different. Taking everything you’re learning and applying it is the first step in getting your clients great results. The next step is being willing to figure out what works and what doesn’t work for each client. Perhaps it’s a pin design that doesn’t work or it’s a keyword that works really well. When their results peak or dip, are you willing to figure out why?

3. You deliver on what your package offers

When you set out your Pinterest management packages you’ve outlined what you can accomplish each month for your client and what they’re paying for. Delivering the service you said you’d deliver means you’re a great Pinterest manager. Have you delivered the service your package promises?

4. You communicate with them

Part of being a great Pinterest manager involves communicating with your clients and letting them know what is happening on their account. While you don’t need to be sending them essays, simply keeping them informed will lead to a strengthened client relationship. Are you communicating with your client?

5. You set expectations correctly

One of the biggest problems we face as Pinterest managers is unrealistic expectations by clients. Perhaps they’ve seen a post on social media saying “look at how many clicks I got from one pin in 7 days – you can do the same”.

Now they assume that is true for every one of their pins even though you know that there is so much more going on behind the scenes for a pin to perform well. Setting your clients expectations correctly can lead to a strengthened client relationship, less stress for both parties involved and clear goals for each party.

I told my client it would take 6 months for their unique type of content to really get the traffic they’re aiming for and while they were shocked they were in – because I set their expectations for their unique account. Exactly 6 months later they hit the numbers they were looking for. Now 2 years later they’re still a client and we’ve got our contract set for the next 12 months again. When you set expectations correctly you’re doing your clients and your business a favor.

If you’re feeling like you’re not a “good” Pinterest manager ask yourself the following questions:

Am I doing what I said I’d do?
Am I willing to test things on my clients accounts?
Am I willing to learn?
Am I willing to figure out what could be better?
Am I willing to do the work I set out in the contract?


Do you notice how none of those come down to having the best click through rates in the industry or having #alltheskills or knowing #allthepinterestthings? 

That’s because being a great Pinterest manager comes down to your attitude as a service provider. If you’re willing to do what needs to be done to deliver the service you offered and give your clients the best experience you can give them, then you’re a great Pinterest manager.

Why? Because having all the skills and all the knowledge doesn’t help your clients if you’re not willing to do the work. Having the best click through rate will change DAILY and can change in an instant. If you aren’t willing to figure things out or test things for your client’s accounts then having the best click through rates won’t matter if they don’t grow and you do nothing about it.

Here’s the thing…

If you said yes to any of the questions above, then I know you’re a great Pinterest manager.

The key thing you need to remember is that as a service provider, your role is to be of service. As long as you’re providing the best service you set out to provide – you’re a great Pinterest manager.

Don’t let your mindset, Pinterest fluctuations, comparisonitis or fear of failure stop you from helping business owners grow using Pinterest. You have something great to offer this world and you need to put it out there. 


If you’re wanting to develop your Pinterest marketing skills, get mentorship from someone who has been there before or dive deeper into specific areas on Pinterest like Pinterest Keyword Targeting, then join me in one of my courses or reach out to me to here to ask about mentoring!


So if you ever have this question pop up in your mind again, remember this blog post and work through what may have triggered that thought. 

Then ask yourself the questions above and get back to changing the world!

The Ultimate Pinterest Manager Checklist will help you stay on top of your client work so you don’t loose sleep hoping you didn’t forget anything. This checklist will take you through client onboarding, account set up, monthly maintenance and more.

After you go through it, you’ll be able to confidently provide your Pinterest Management clients with an experience they’ll rave about, knowing that you’re on track with all the tasks you need to complete.

Kathryn Moorhouse