I know, I know, we hear it all the time.

Start a blog.
Write weekly blog posts.
You should be blogging.
Content, content, content!

Then after all the blogging talk you may have heard someone say, Pinterest is where it’s at.

They’re right!
But…the question we’re asking today is, do you need a blog to be successful on Pinterest?

The short answer: No, you don’t need a blog to see success with Pinterest.

There are a lot of assumptions made about Pinterest based on your unique experiences. If you use Pinterest to search for recipes you may think that is what Pinterest is mostly made up of. That’s because Pinterest’s algorithm ensures you’re seeing more of the content you’re interested in based on your search history and other factors.

If you’ve clicked on pins and they led you to blog posts most of the time, you may assume that all pins leads to blog posts.

If you look at my personal Pinterest account you’d think Pinterest is filled with vegan cinnamon rolls, comfy sweaters and business tips. 

But here’s the thing – Pinterest is a search engine that loves good quality content. 

It’s the cookie monster 🍪 that only eats content.
It doesn’t mind what the content is about (choc chip, caramel, vanilla or cinnamon) it wants it all. 

It does have preferences just like we do (I’m more of a cinnamon kinda cookie monster 🍪) but those preferences aren’t based on it’s own taste buds but rather the taste buds of the pinners that use Pinterest. 

Okay enough about cookies before we all need to head to the store.


If Pinterest loves good quality content that much, then surely it thrives on eating them blog posts?

Yes, that is true.
Blog posts do perform well on Pinterest if they’re good quality posts and they relate to topics pinners are interested in.

If you’re an avid blogger or you know it’s a strength you possess and you’d like to start one, then get started and download my Pinterest Marketing Checklist to help you get started sharing your blog posts on Pinterest.

However, content doesn’t just come in the “blog post” format it includes a variety of formats you can choose from and Pinterest loves them all. 


Before we dive into the 4 types of content I want you to download my Ultimate Pinterest Marketing Checklist. This checklist will help you take the content type you connect with below and share it on Pinterest effectively!

The ultimate Pinterest marketing checklist for content creators - get started using Pinterest for business

Are you a Pinterest manager? Download this one instead since it’s made to help you apply it to all clients. Click here to get the Pinterest checklist for Pinterest Managers

4 Types of Content You Can Share on Pinterest:

1. video content

video content

Pinterest recently added video pins to their list of pin types. That means you can actually add video straight to Pinterest. Now it’s important to note that this type of video should be short (10s -30s) and should preferably be in portrait mode. That means ANY video content you create can be shared on Pinterest and here are some great ways to do that with video pins:

Showcase an intro to your YouTube Video
Do a quick 30 second demo 
Intro to a longer training you’re doing

These video pins can lead anywhere so you can send them to your website, sales page, freebies, YouTube video, Facebook Live, Instagram Post or vlog.

The second type of video content you can share to Pinterest is any video content hosted away from Pinterest. You’ll create a normal Pin Image and the website URL will lead them to the video content hosted elsewhere. Here are some videos you could link to across the internet:

 Facebook Lives
– Recorded video training
– Vlogs
– YouTube Video
– Instagram Video Posts
– Webinar replays on your site
– Course Sales Page Videos

If you do any type of video content creation then you can leverage that content by sharing a pin image on Pinterest that sends pinners to that video.

2. Audio content

We just spoke about Pinterest video pins and there is a unique way to use video pins that many business owners haven’t used yet. 

If you’re a podcaster OR you’ve been a guest on a podcast, you have have access to Audio Grams. You may have seen these on Instagram Stories by your favourite podcaster but did you know you can add that video to Pinterest?

The audiogram looks like a static image but on top of it you’ll see bars go up and down signaling the sound wavelengths. When you turn on your sound you’ll hear the intro to the podcast or a snippet that gets people wanting to listen to the episode. 

This works well on Instagram stories because if you have the swipe up feature you can easily get Instagram viewers listening to your podcast with a quick snippet of the episode. 

These can be uploaded as video pins and your audience can get a quick snippet of the episode before clicking through to your podcast. The moving element to the video grabs their attention.

You can also add pin images to Pinterest that link to the following pieces of audio that you may have:

 Podcast Episodes
– Music
– Audiobooks
– Audio only training

3. Visual content

Pinterest is a search engine but it’s also a VISUAL search engine. When pinners search for something on Pinterest, they get given IMAGES in return. You can use that to your advantage by sharing your visual content on Pinterest.

Here are some visual pieces of content you could share on Pinterest:

 Gallery portfolio
– Physical product images
– Digital product images
– Instagram posts 
– Quote graphics

4. written content

The final type of content (for now because I’m sure virtual reality will come into play at some point in the future) is written content. Your first thought may be blog posts but here are some ideas for content you may have already created but didn’t realize you could share on Pinterest:

– Freebies
– Guest posts
– Instagram/ Facebook posts
– Sales pages
– Digital templates

You’ll use beautifully designed Pinterest images to direct pinners to your written content, wherever that may be hosted.

What type of content will you share on Pinterest?

Pinterest loves content.

If you’ve been putting off using Pinterest because you’re waiting to create the perfect blog – don’t put it off any longer.

There are so many content creation options available to you. Your content can come in many forms and all are welcome. 

Let me know in the comments what type of content you’ll be sharing on Pinterest.

P.S. If you’re looking for help with getting started sharing your content on Pinterest I’ve created a free checklist for you: The Ultimate Pinterest Marketing Checklist.

The ultimate Pinterest marketing checklist for content creators - get started using Pinterest for business

Are you a Pinterest manager? Download this one instead since it’s made to help you apply it to all clients. Click here to get the Pinterest checklist for Pinterest Managers

Kathryn Moorhouse